User guide

  1. Download m2-proxy-version.war from the SF project page
  2. Rename m2-proxy-version.war to m2-proxy.war
  3. Deploy the war to the servlet container
  4. Set Maven mirror setting. Into user.home/.m2/settings.xml insert
          <mirrorOf>Maven Snapshots</mirrorOf>

    Where serveraddress:8080 is the address of the server and port, where the servlet container is listening on. Do not forget to change the serveraddress to something meaningfull.

  5. (Optional) Change m2-proxy.war/WEB-INF/
    1. Set localStore.dir to the directory, where the resources should be stored
    2. Optionally you can change timeouts for xml and pom file types. Timeout is a number in miliseconds or something 1d as one day, 3h as 3 hours or 5m as 5 minutes or 10s as ten second. You can also insert "never" for resources that never expires